"The Energy Within

Thursdays @ 10:30am

​With Rev Dr T Paul Graetz

Emerson Theological Institute at City of Light, located in the City of Light Spiritual Center, 3125 Presidential Parkway, Atlanta, GA is the east coast extension of the mother school, Emerson Institue in beautiful Oakhurst, CA.  
Emerson Institute is one of the premier accredited New Thought schools in America offering a Bachelors, Masters and or Doctorate degree in Religious Studies, Doctor of Divinity, Animal Chaplaincy. 

Our on campus, classes are taught weekly by approved instructors who hold a Doctorate Degree

in this field of education. Each class is 2 hours in length and run in 8 week cycles.

Day and night time classes and are offered for your convivence. 

For more information on our affordable tuition fees and on how to enroll please contact our Registrar

Dr. David Jonathan Carter at knew2me@msn.com.

  • Rev. Dr. Paul Graetz, D.Div. D. R. S.
  • Dr. David Jonathan Carter, Registrar - knew2me@msn.com
  • ​​As well as Guest Speakers
From time to time City of Light offers a variety of one time workshops with guest speakers that focus on a key issues that take us to a new level of understanding. Watch for those events in our Upcoming Events section.


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