Are you looking for someone to pray with you right now?

Call 1 (800) 669-7729

We are partnering with Silent Unity, a 24 hour prayer ministry

Call now, someone is waiting to pray with you

Throughout the year we offer a

Labyrinth ​Prayer Walk in our

sanctuary. It’s a powerful
journey of prayer that enables

you to release ​and let go as

you come to the center of the
​Labyrinth and as you return to

offer gratitude for what is

unfolding in your life.

Watch for Upcoming Events

in “Connections” ​for details

on our next Sacred Labyrinth Walk.

Prayer Walk: the Scared Labyrinth Walk

A labyrinth is a single path or unicursal tool for personal spiritual transformation.

Through affirmative prayer, we help co-create the good that is possible in our lives.

​​By using an affirmative prayer approach, we can visualize and plan for the future with

faith that the power of God is continually blessing our lives with unlimited possibilities.

Affirmative prayer leads to an awakening of our spiritual selves. In faith, we pray giving

thanks in advance that God meeting our every need.

​​​At City of Light, we

believe that all things

work together for our

highest good. So we

pray to align ourselves

with God and to allow

ourselves to be

inwardly guided to that 


Affirmative Prayer

We affirm God’s goodness as we pray with the awareness that

God is not holding back but already knows our need before we

even ask.

At City of Light we teach “affirmative prayer.” Rather than begging or beseeching God,

this method involves connecting with the spirit of God within and asserting positive

beliefs about the desired outcome. Affirmative prayer is the same method of prayer

Jesus taught when he said, “So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that

you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24).

If, for example, one were to pray traditionally, one might say: “Please God, help me find

a job.” By contrast, an affirmative prayer might be: “I am now guided to my right and

perfect employment.”

Affirmative prayer reflects the certainty that we are each being led to our highest good,

despite any temporary appearances.

Whether you are conscious of it or

not, your thoughts are transmitting

energy that is attracting more of the

same. When you remain focused on

your intentions, you will draw those

things into your life.


Rosemary Ellen Guiley, author of

Prayer Works, states that affirmative

prayer “sets into motion the forces

that enable us to manifest what we

pray for.”  She adds, “Prayer is ineffective when it is accompanied or followed by

negative thinking, or the endless repeating of affirmations. We have to put power and

intensity into our thought, change our thought, and believe in the guidance we are

receiving. If we spend energy on negative beliefs and feelings, we will get negative

results, even if we and others pray daily for us. For example, if you pray for a job and

then complain to others that you have no job or can't find one, you are undermining

your prayer.”

Prayer requests are listed on a group page on Facebook called “Atlanta Prays”. Join the group and post and receive your prayer requests and​ victory reports.

Atlanta Prays

Join us on 

Share Your Prayer Requests with Us 

Each week over 1,000 are invited to join in prayer with you.

When you share your prayer requests they become part of our prayer

ministry at City of Light that includes over 1,000 people who are invited to

pray with you.   

  • Prayer requests cards are available each Sunday. We encourage attendees to share requests. We believe in the power of affirming prayer and each week invite over 500 to join in prayer believing the answers are here and now. ​

Prayer Ministry at

City of Light

“Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the
door will be opened unto you.”- Matthew 7:7